When installing on or near roads, in public areas or roof tops there are a number of challenges to overcome. In our staff we have experience in major events and public construction project management that give us the skills and processes to manage all elements of an install.  We work with a number of partner businesses from lighting, theming and printing, traffic management, furniture suppliers and others.  We can organise as much or as little as our clients require.

The main areas when installing that we primarily deal with include;

  • road closures
  • traffic and pedestrian management
  • vehicle movements
  • permits
  • WHS requirements
  • electrical (mains or solar)
  • sub contractor / contractor management
  • client liaison

Our team have now completed over 45 installations in public spaces and have come across nearly every variation and requirement.  We have a lot of acquired knowledge that we are happy to share with our clients to help ensure an installation is done correctly and efficiently.

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